Co-op Member Handbook
I. Who We Are
HIS Homeschool Co-op is a Christian educational and social network for home-schooling families, providing opportunity for parents to come together and share their talents and resources for the mutual benefit of all participants.
II. Mission Statement
HIS Homeschool Co-op seeks to provide a place for relationship and fellowship with like-minded families as we endeavor to homeschool our children. To that end, we come together to offer group classes in order to supplement and enrich our children's education.
III. Statement of Purpose
1. To serve God as we serve and encourage each another.
2. To provide social involvement through activities.
3. To provide educational opportunities as a group.
4. To share educational successes and failures with each other.
5. To teach our children responsibility, respect, and cooperation.
IV. Statement of Faith
Please note: HIS Homeschool Co-op has been established on and will operate by the following statements. All are welcome to join us. Participating members are not required to agree with these beliefs nor are they required to sign a statement of faith. However, content taught in classes must be aligned with the Bible.
HIS Homeschool Co-op believes in the right of every parent to determine the educational path of their children. HIS Co-op yields to the Lord Jesus Christ and the infallible Word of God (the Bible) as our guide and final authority for life.
HIS Homeschool Co-op believes that children are a heritage of the Lord (Psalm 127:3) and that God has commanded Christian parents to train their children according to the Word of God (Proverbs 22:6, Ephesians 6:4).
V. Contact
Email will be the primary means of communication. Members are responsible for checking their email on a regular basis to receive important news related to co-op. Pertinent information will also be added to this website.
VI. Opportunities to Serve
This is truly a cooperative effort in that every family will play an important role in the success of this learning venture. Our desire is to not have anyone be overburdened by the role(s) they perform in the co-op. We want for this group to be a blessing to everyone and not a burden to anyone. Nor do we want anyone's involvement with co-op to have an adverse affect on the role they play as spouse, parent, and teacher to their own family. Therefore, each family will be required to support HIS Homeschool Co-op by assisting consistently in the following areas:
Prayer: We encourage every member to participate in praying for this, the Lord's ministry. Please consider this your most important service to this group.
Leadership Team: A team made up of a minimum of four persons who have been active in co-op for at least 2 consecutive years. They will oversee the overall operation of the co-op, and be the "last word" in any decision affecting the group. Roles on the leadership team include:
-Treasurer: A person who will be responsible for handling co-op's finances. This would include managing co-op's bank account, collecting all fees, dispersing reimbursements as well as keeping records of all transactions.
-Registrar: A person (or persons) who will process registration forms.
-Building Coordinator: A person who will ensure that the building is open, lights and heat turned on, and to answer any questions regarding the facility.
-Session Coordinator: A person who will supervise the overall layout of the session.
Assistant Treasurer: A person or persons who will assist the treasurer when needed and to provide accountability. This person cannot be a member of the Leadership Team.
Administrative Coordinator: A person who will be responsible for compiling attendance sheets, family directory, family attendance sheet, name tag list, allergy list and updating attendance folders.
Website Coordinator: A person who will update the website each session.
Volunteer Coordinator: A person who will be responsible for ensuring that all of the following positions are filled each week: helpers and hall monitors. They will be the contact person for when someone will be absent and will be responsible for finding coverage.
Coordinators: Responsible for choosing classes/curricula and overseeing the co-teachers of one age group. The responsibilities of Coordinators include deciding what classes will be offered to their age group, securing teachers/co-teachers, and providing assistance to teachers.​
Teachers/Co-Teachers: Parents who volunteer to teach a class of their choice or choose from materials the co-op will provide. We highly encourage that two parents join together to co-teach a class. This helps to lighten the load of leading a class. Parents are encouraged to meet with Coordinators to generate ideas and/or decide on curricula.
Helpers: Members assigned to be present each week in classes to assist the teachers and children.
Set Up Crew: People who arrive before co-op to set up the classrooms.
Set Up Crew Coordinator: A person who will supervise the set up crew and ensure that all areas of the building are ready for first period.
Clean Up Crew: People who will stay after classes end each week to clean the building. The building will be divided into sections and each parent will be responsible for one section. Duties will include cleaning bathrooms, sweeping, vacuuming and collecting trash.
Clean Up Crew Coordinator: A person who will supervise the clean up crew and ensure that all areas of the building have been cleaned.​
Supplies Coordinator: A person who will be responsible for stocking and organizing our classroom supply boxes. This would entail shopping for and refilling the boxes at the beginning of each session and keeping our storage area in order.
VII. Duties
Parent Responsibilities:
1. Parents must remain in the building while their children are attending classes. Each parent will be given an assignment for each period that they are at co-op, and they must support the co-op by attending their assignment unless absent for the day.
2. Respect and adhere to all guidelines.
3. Read through all guidelines with their children and encourage adherence to them.
4. Review with children how they are to conduct themselves in a classroom setting.
5. Monitor the behavior of their children. They are to check with their child’s teacher periodically to inquire how the child is doing in their classroom.
6. Be willing to adhere to the Discipline Procedures and Conflict Resolution Procedure.
7. Contact the Volunteer Coordinator as soon as possible if they are to be absent at
8. Check email on a regular basis as this is the primary, official method of communication within the group.
9. Arrive on time. Starting times will be announced several times before the beginning of each semester, because they can vary depending on our location.
10. Once co-op has ended for the day, be prompt in gathering up your children and belongings and relocate outside to socialize. This will allow the clean up crew to complete their duties.
11. All members will be required to submit to a background check.
12. Social Media: Please do not post public photos of students on social media without the permission of the students' parents. We maintain a private group on Facebook for photos, UNOFFICIAL communication, and community connection. Please see group rules for more information.
Student Responsibilities:
1. Respect and obey those in authority and follow directions in the classroom.
2. Respect their peers. No pushing, hitting, shoving or horseplay.
3. Respect church property.
4. Conduct oneself in a safe and orderly manner.
5. Be prepared for class (reading, homework, etc.)
6. Set any cell phones to vibrate and keep phones in a pocket.
7. Will not text message during class.
8. Will not bring personal video games to class.
9. Keep dating relationships outside of co-op time.
10. Refrain from physical displays of affection.
VIII. Discipline Procedures
If a child is being uncooperative, disruptive or disrespectful, the following procedures will be followed:
1. The child will be spoken to by the adult that is in charge.
2. If unacceptable behavior continues, the child will be asked to sit out of the activity for a time.
3. If the child still exhibits unacceptable behavior, the child will be brought to their parent for the remainder of the class.
4. If the child repeats the unacceptable behavior the following week, the parent will be required to stay in the class with their child.
5. If the child repeats the unacceptable behavior the following week, the child will be removed from the class until a meeting can take place between the teacher, parent, child and at least two members of the Leadership Team to discuss whether the child can return to class, or will need to sit out the remainder of the session.
Please note that if a parent feels the need to discipline THEIR OWN CHILD (in particular the nursery aged children), they should not do so in front of other children, but rather do this in private.
IX. Conflict Resolution Procedure
Unfortunately, personality conflicts and misunderstandings can happen. It is important that we agree on how to deal with these situations, should they arise.
In using Matthew 18 as our guide, if a conflict arises, parents and teachers should seek to resolve the issue on their own. If either party is unsatisfied or a resolution (when all parties reach mutual agreement or understanding) cannot be met, the parties then need to seek the assistance of the grade level Coordinator who oversees the class.
As a last resort, the conflict will be taken to the Leadership Team and they will prayerfully make a final decision. If a party is unwilling to abide by the Leadership Team's decision or is unwilling to follow these guidelines, that party may be asked to leave the group.
X. Building Use Rules
1. No running.
2. No ball playing in or around the building.
3. No chewing gum permitted.
4. No pocket knives permitted.
5. Do not walk around the building eating food.
6. Children are not to open any outside doors to allow someone in.
7. No one is to go into the church office without permission from someone on the Leadership Team.
8. Check several times prior to leaving to ensure that you have all of your family’s belongings, including take home papers.
Please remember that the church(es) we are renting are our host(s). We need to behave as guests while using their facilities and equipment. Accidents will happen. This is expected. If, however, property and/or equipment are damaged intentionally or as a result of disregarding the rules of conduct set forth in this handbook, you as a parent may be held financially responsible for any repair or replacement of such damaged property and/or equipment.
XI. Weather-Related Cancellation
If we are experiencing bad weather, please check your e-mail prior to leaving for co-op to see if classes have been cancelled. A cancellation will be posted by 8:00 am. We are also aware that weather conditions can vary from place to place. If we think the roads are clear and safe to hold co-op, but the roads are not safe in your area, please email the leadership at by 7:45am. If there are a great number of families who cannot safely make it to co-op, that will have an impact on whether we cancel or not.
XII. Illness Policy
For the consideration and well being of others, we ask you to keep your family at home if you or anyone in your immediate household is experiencing any of the following symptoms:
1. Fever over 100 (within the last 24 hours)
2. New onset of loss of sense of taste or smell
3. Colored (yellow or green snotty nose) or copious mucus
4. Diarrhea, vomiting, or nausea (within the last 48 hours)
5. Eye drainage or crusty eyelids
6. Virus or infection known to be contagious
7. Contagious rashes, ring worm
8. Head lice
The Leadership Team reserves the right to send home any family with a student exhibiting these symptoms on Friday morning. Because we are especially concerned for our littlest members, Nursery and Preschool coordinators may also make these determinations.
XIII. Allergies
Please be keenly aware of all children in your class that have allergies. While HIS Homeschool Co-op makes every attempt to decrease allergen exposure for participants, ultimately, it is the responsibility of the parents with a child who has allergies to bear the responsibility for their child's well being. We do not operate in facilities that are nut free, but we do STRONGLY encourage everybody to only bring nut-free snacks to co-op.
XIV. Registration Procedures
Our co-op is designed primarily for school-age children.
Registration requests for FAMILIES WHOSE OLDEST CHILD IS NOT AT LEAST KINDERGARTEN AGE (5 years old by September of the school year) will not be processed. Our preschool classes and nursery are available to support families with school age children but unfortunately we do not have the building capacity to admit individual preschoolers. After much prayer and discussion, Co-op Leadership decided that we need to give preference to homeschooling families who have older children. ​
Families that fall under this category may submit a request to join the mailing list for the Fall the oldest child qualifies to attend. Send requests to:
We understand that many homeschooling families choose not to assign grade levels to their students. However, in this setting, we have guidelines for how to register a student for classes. Our program is broken up into 6 levels:
Nursery: 0-2
Little Ones: This is our preschool program for students aged 3 and 4.
Elementary Stations: This program is for students who will be 5 and 6 by September of the school year. These are generally students in Kindergarten and 1st grade.
Grades 2-3: This program is for students in 2nd and 3rd grade who will be at least 7 by September of the school year.
Grades 4-6: This program has more choices available than our younger program and participants must be at least 9 by September of the school year.
Grades 7-12: This program offers a wide variety of classes that appeal to middle and high school students. There is a higher level of maturity and independence expected at this level. Because of this, the student must be at least 12 by September of the school year. However, some students are not ready so we do allow 12 year olds/7th graders to stay with 4-6 if desired. Parents can determine this by best social fit or class interest.
XV. Registration Fees
HIS Homeschool Co-op is designed to be financially accessible to all families. Registration Fees will be used to gain access to the church's facilities, pay administrative costs, and provide scholarships to members who need financial assistance. Student Supply Fees will be used to purchase supplies and curricula for co-op classes.
All fees, including any extra class supply fees, must be paid IN FULL when you are notified that your registration has been accepted.
A Paypal account has been established to receive Co-op fees, if families so choose to pay in this manner. Details to pay via Paypal will be in the emailed invoice. Cash and checks made out to HIS Homeschool Co-op will also be accepted.
Scholarships are granted based on availability of funds. Members are encouraged to donate to the Rachel Scholarship Fund, which is operated in the memory of our former member, Rachel Edgar, who went home to be with the Lord in September 2011.
Financial Assistance: Provisions for those who are experiencing financial difficulties have been established. You may make payment arrangements or defer payment until a later date. If you need to set up payment arrangements or request financial assistance, you must contact our Treasurer, Becky, at PRIOR to registering. Otherwise, your registration form WILL NOT be processed.
Family Registration Fee: $70 per family per semester
Student Supply Fee: $10 per semester for each child 3 years and older ($40 Family Max)
Class Fees: Some classes will have an additional fee. See class description for details.
Annual Technology Fee: $10
One time background check fee: $15
XVI. Refund Policy
Registration fees are not refundable. If you withdraw before the week that co-op begins, you will be eligible to have your Student Supply Fee(s) refunded only. Additional class fees (for high school labs, etc., will only be refunded if the teacher has not purchased supplies for your student. No refunds are issued after co-op begins.
XVII. Reimbursement Policy
Complete the online reimbursement form and upload photos of the receipt(s) to the google form. Form is linked on FOR TEACHERS page.
Reimbursement forms may also be submitted on the paper form if needed. Complete a reimbursement form in ink and staple the receipt(s) to the back of the form.
Please do not write on the back of the reimbursement form. If more space is needed, use an additional form.
All reimbursements must be accompanied by a receipt(s)- paper or digital accepted.
Reimbursements will be made based on the amount of fees paid for each class. Any amounts requested over the allotted amount are at the discretion of the treasurer to reimburse after the end of the session based upon availability of funds.
Classes that require additional funds above the student supply fee are supplemented by a class fee. All teachers are expected to determine if a fee is required and to notify the treasurer and appropriate coordinator. The fee will be listed in the class description.