Violin/Viola/Cello Lessons
Class Fee
$150 fee paid to Ms. Amy
About the Course
New or continuing students will be accepted with prior approval from the instructor. Traditional teaching: good posture, left hand position and bow hold, good intonation; correct rhythm; use of four fingers and four strings; use of low second finger; bowings: half or whole bows, legato, détaché, staccato, legato; use of bow division; meters: 4/4, 3/4, 2/4; simple dynamic contrast. Musical fundamentals will be taught and applied to playing of solos and ensembles.
1) Contact Ms. Amy Weckesser @ violinamy30@hotmail.com or 856-952-1737 BEFORE co-op starts to evaluate your child’s experience level, instrument, etc.
2) Have your instrument with you on the first day of co-op. Violin Rental (if needed) can be arranged through John Exley (856-304-7230) for $120/year (includes maintenance, strings, etc.).
3) Pay Lesson and Book Fees in full on the first day of co-op.
Lesson fee: $150/child.
Book fee (new students only): $20.00
These fees are payable directly to Amy Weckesser, NOT included in your co-op invoice.
If a student prefers private lessons, Amy will offer 30-minute lessons for $30/lesson
Your Instructor
Amy Weckesser